
Acquiring Salary Negotiation Skills Can Upgrade Your Career

Acquiring Salary Negotiation Skills Can Upgrade Your Career Salary negotiation is a crucial skill that can significantly impact your career trajectory and financial well-being. Yet, many professionals shy away from negotiating their salary, fearing rejection or discomfort. In reality, mastering this skill not only enhances your earning potential but also demonstrates confidence and value to...

How to Retain Staff When Your Top Talent Is Leaving

How to Retain Staff When Your Top Talent Is Leaving Employee turnover can be a significant challenge for any organization, especially when key members of your team decide to move on. Losing top talent not only impacts productivity and morale but also adds recruiting costs and disrupts workflow. However, with proactive strategies and a focus...


Hire Right, Hire Smart: 11 Ways a Recruitment Agency Can Be Your Business Ally Finding the perfect employee can feel like searching for a unicorn in a needle haystack. Between crafting job descriptions, wading through resumes, and conducting endless interviews, the hiring process can become a time-consuming, stress-inducing monster. But fear not, weary entrepreneurs and...


Top 5 Mistakes Hiring Managers Make (and How to Avoid Them) Finding the perfect employee can feel like a treasure hunt – exciting, yet fraught with potential pitfalls. Interviewing candidates is arguably the most crucial stage, where first impressions are formed and decisions are made. But like any important task, mistakes can happen, leading to...


Hiring Headaches? How an Agency Can Be Your Talent Acquisition Superhero! Finding the perfect candidate can feel like searching for a unicorn in a needle haystack. Between crafting job descriptions, wading through resumes, and conducting endless interviews, the hiring process can quickly become a time-consuming, stress-inducing monster. But fear not, weary hiring managers! There’s a...


Unveiling the Secret Code: What Employers Look for in Candidates Landing your dream job isn’t just about having the right skills and experience, it’s about cracking the code employers use to decipher the perfect candidate. Fear not, job seekers! This blog is your Rosetta Stone, translating the unspoken desires of hiring managers and revealing the...


The Golden Key: 11 Tips for a Winning New Hire Onboarding Experience So, you’ve found the perfect candidate, signed the dotted line, and anticipation fills the air. But the journey doesn’t end there! A smooth onboarding experience is the golden key that unlocks your new hire’s potential and sets them up for success. In this...


Elevate Your Professional Presence: 11 Tips for Crafting a Winning LinkedIn Profile in 2024 In the contemporary landscape of professional networking, a well-crafted LinkedIn profile is a powerful tool for career success. As we navigate the dynamic job market of 2024, it’s essential to stay updated on the latest trends and strategies for creating a...

OUR PROFILECompany Profile
With 27 years of experience in Talent Acquisition, our team is well-versed in the unique needs and challenges of each sector. They have specializations in various fields making them aware about a company’s hiring needs, thus providing and supporting the Organisations with the best professionals for their growth and success.

Our Group Companies:
Athena Bharatjobs Pvt. Ltd.
Athena Consultancy Services -Bharatjobs
Athena ConsultancyHeadquarters
“MURALI BHAWAN” 199, Ashoka Enclave
Phase-1, Sector – 34, Faridabad,
Haryana -121003, India
OUR PROFILECompany Profile
Grown to be one of the leading Recruitment service providers in India within 27 years of incorporation, established in 1996, Athena Consultancy Services (Bharatjobs) is a group of professionals engaged in supporting our clients in their needs of Recruitment of professionals.
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Information Technology
FMCG and Manufacturing
Athena ConsultancyHeadquarters
“MURALI BHAWAN” 199, Ashoka Enclave
Phase-1, Sector – 34, Faridabad, Haryana 121003, India

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